Born 1992.
- 2015: German short story "Sauball" ("Sow's Ball") in Handschlag (Agrar Verlag)
- 2015: German short story "Ein prosaisch-poetisch-philosophischer Brief an eine verwahrloste Stadt" ("A prosaic-poetic-philosophical letter to a depraved town") in beautiful losers (Verein Alltag Verlag)
- 2015: German short story "Kreisverkehr" ("Roundabout") in beautiful losers (Verein Alltag Verlag)
- 2015: German short story "Turm" ("Tower") in beautiful losers (Verein Alltag Verlag)
- 2015: German poem "Schwarz auf Weiß" ("Black on White") in beautiful losers (Verein Alltag Verlag)
- 2015: German short story "Brumm" ("Vroom") in &Radieschen 36 (Verein ALSO)
- 2016: German short Story "Himmlisch" ("Heavenly") in DUM 77 (ed. Wolfgang Kühn)
- 2016: German short story "Schweigeminute" ("One Minute's Silence") in Pappelblatt 8 (Edition sonne&mond)
- 2017: German short story "Die türkise Tür" ("The Turquoise Door") in kalmenzone 11 (ed. Cornelius van Alsum)
- 2017: German short story "Das mittlere Kind" ("The Middle Child") in dem Blog (ed. Walther Stonet)
- 2017: German aphorism in Jenny: Denken, Behaupten, Großtun. Ausgabe 05 (De Gruyter Verlag)
- 2018: German short story "Der gelbe Ritter" ("The Yellow Knight") in Reiseziel Utopia: Geschichten aus einer hellen Zukunft (ed. Stefan Holzhauer, Edition Roter Drache)
- 2018: German short story "Donaukanal-Blues" ("Danube Canal Blues") in &Radieschen 47 (Verein ALSO)
- 2018: German short story "Gay Beard" in Mein heimliches Auge 33. Das Jahrbuch der Erotik 2018/19 (konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke)
- 2019: Short story "Collar's Diary" at HORLA online magazine (ed. Matthew Rees; website offline)
- 2019: German short story "Das Fenster" ("The Window") in Handjob. Das Literaturblatt | 01
- 2019: Germans short story "Die Hand" ("The Hand") in Zwielicht 13 (ed. Michael Schmidt, Achim Hildebrand)
- 2019: Short story "God Provides the Company" at HORLA online magazine (ed. Matthew Rees; website offline)
- 2019: German short story "In die Ecke gedrängt" ("In a Tight Corner") in Feuilleton für Poesie - Sprache - Streit - Kultur Nr. 7/8 (ed. Walther Stonet)
- 2019: German short story "Urlaub für die Nerven" ("Vacation for the Nerves") in &Radieschen 52 (Verein ALSO)
- 2019: Three German aphorisms in Mein wundervolles Sechs-Worte-Tagebuch 2020. Mit Sechs-Worte-Texten und Schreibanregungen durchs Jahr (Ebbe & Flut Textwerkstatt Monika Zachhuber)
- 2020: German short story "Hotelwände" ("Hotel Walls") in phantastisch! 78 (Atlantis Verlag)
- 2020: Short story "The Weeping Well" in Ghosts, Spirits and Specters: Volume 2 (HellBound Books Publishing)
- 2020: Short story "A Buzzing of Flies" in parABnormal Magazine June 2020 (ed. H. David Blalock, Hiraeth Publishing; out of stock)
- 2020: German short story "Lover's Limb" in Zwielicht 14 (ed. Michael Schmidt, Achim Hildebrand)
- 2020: German satire "Das Mann" in die Klette. Was ist da los in Wr. Neustadt?! Ausgabe 27 / Juli - August 2020 (Mediengruppe 65b, Verein zur Förderung der Medienkompetenz- und Kultur von Jugendlichen)
- 2020: German short story "Himmel" ("Heaven") in Schatten - Die Anthologie (ed. Susanne Mathies, litac; publishing activity ceased)
- 2020: German poem "Gute Leben" in SCHREIBTISCH. Literarisches Journal 2020 (ed. Karina Lotz, edition federleicht)
- 2020: German short story "Falsche Person Plural" ("False Person Plural") in Verzaubert - mein Herz schlägt QUEER (ed. Sabine Brandl, muc Verlag)
- 2020: Short story "Click for Ascension" in The Other Side (ed. Daniel Willcocks, Devil's Rock Publishing)
- 2020: Short story "The Vanishing Apple" in Novel Noctule Issue 10: Isolation (ed. Jacqueline Dyre)
- 2020: German short story "Wespenstich" ("Wasp's Sting") in Abgefuckte Welt (hummel&sahne)
- 2020: Short story "That Damned and Damning Short Story" in E'ch Pi El. Chilling Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos #14 (ed. Steve Lines & John B. Ford, Rainfall Books)
- 2020: Short story "Krampus Night" in The Fifth Di... December 2020 (ed. Tyree Campbell, Hiraeth Publishing)
- 2021: Short story "Back Home for a Bit" in Ceci n'est pas une histoire d'horreur (This is Not a Horror Story) (ed. J. D. Keown, Night Terror Novels)
- 2022: Novella collection Poison Boy (Hiraeth Publishing)
- 2022: Short story "The Attic Hole" in The Gallows Tree 1: Decay (ed. Simon Alles)
- 2023: Short story "Whither the Wind Blows" in Lovecraftiana: the Magazine of Eldritch Horror. Volume 7, Issue 4, Candlemas 2023 (ed. Gavin Chappell, Rogue Planet Press)
- 2023: Short story "The God You Built" in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine Issue 91 (ed. Tom Dullemond, Andromeda Spaceways Publishing Incorporated)
- 2024: Short story "A Friend of the Family" in Dark Horses: The Magazine of Weird Fiction No. 25: February 2024 (ed. Wayne Kyle Spitzer, Hobb's End Press)
- 2024: Short story "Little as Stressful" in The Piker Press Issue May 13, 2024 (ed. Sand Pilarski,
Theatre and Film
- 2015: Project manager for Filmpoesie; director of "Regentropfen" ("Raindrops"), "Täuschungen" ("Delusions") and "Das Ende aller Heuler" ("The End of All Howlers") (with Doomsday films)
- 2016: Scripts for Ghost Walk. Eine Stadtführung der besonderen Art (collaboration with glashaus; a themed guided city tour through Wiener Neustadt) - available on demand on Youtube
- 2016: Screenplay Das kuriose Aufeinandertreffen von Franz und Rosi ("The Curious Encounter of Franz and Rosi", collaboration with glashaus; unreleased)
- 2018: Stage play Eine
Reihe an niederschmetternden Enttäuschungen. Oder: Wo kein Gras mehr wächst
("A Series of Devastating Disappointments"), for the project "Story Unknown"
(collaboration with glashaus; performed in January 2018)
- 2018: Stage play Die Würstlübung ("The Sausage Exercise"), an adaptation of Daniel Glattauer's Die Wunderübung (collaboration with glashaus, performed in August & September 2018)
- 2019: Stage play Project Y, aka. Fake it till you make it (collaboration with glashaus, performed in June 2019)
- 2020: Juror in glashaus's "Story Unknown"-competition; winner's writing consultant
- 2021: Literary research and editing for stage play Odysseus (collaboration with glashaus, performed in August 2021)
- 2022: Script for Ghost Walk 2 - Edition Noir (collaboration with glashaus; crime-themed sequel to Ghost Walk, performed in autumn of 2022 and spring of 2023)
- 2023: Script & creative directing for and performance as "der Autor" ("The Author") in Der getötete Autor ("The Author is Dead"), for the project "Täter Unknown" ("Culprit Unknown"; collaboration with glashaus; dramatic whodunnit reading including a library tour and an audience voting, performed in summer of 2023 and spring of 2024)
- 2024: Script for FAUST. Teufel komm raus ("FAUST. Out with the devil"; collaboration with glashaus, performed in August 2024)
- 2015: Forum Land Literatur Award in the category "Young Writers" for short story Sauball
- December 2021: Residency at the Villa Sarkia (Sysmä, Finland), bestowed by Nuoren Voiman Liitto (Blog Post: "The snow is different here.")
- 2010-2013 Bachelor in philosophy, University of Vienna
- 2013-2015 Master in philosophy, University of Vienna
- 2015-2019 Doctorate in philosophy, University of Vienna (discontinued)
- 2015-2017 Bachelor in biology, University of Vienna (discontinued)